Wedding Garters 101: One, Two, Seven, Zero, Sixty?

Even though I’m getting married on the beach at sunset, I do want to incorporate some traditional wedding elements into my big day. But, the garter is one that has baffled me for some time. They certainly look  pretty (and I’m all about pretty things!). I seriously can look at them for hours on Etsy. But, in the middle of one of those sessions today I started thinking… why do we even have these? How many am I supposed to order?

After a bit of research, I’ve compiled a very brief Wedding Garter 101:

  • Wedding Garter Set: 2 garters– one will be a keepsake and is typically more ornate and one will be for a garter toss. They usually come in super pretty, coordinating colors.  If you’re wearing two, make sure you position the garter you want tossed lower on your leg or else you might lose the wrong one.
  • One Garter: It’s fine to have one garter… especially if you’re not doing a garter toss. The other option is to make sure you’re okay with not getting the garter back. Or, be comfortable enough to ask for it back from whoever catches it!
  • History: I read some places that this goes all the way back to the Dark Ages and is one of our oldest wedding traditions. Since we are no longer physically escorted to our wedding beds by our friends & families (thank goodness!) it is sort of a carry over from that. If you’re interested in reading a much more extensive background, check it out here.

And what does all that mean to me? I’ll probably order one. Since I’m not doing a garter toss it’ll probably serve as another pretty item and maybe even will be my “something blue.”  What do you think of this pretty one from Something New Designs on Etsy?

Pretty Garter from SomethingNewDesigns on Etsy

So tell me, are you going to wear a garter (or 2) at your wedding? Will you do a garter toss?