Ultimate Guide to Honeymoons from Weddington Way

Found this great post about Honeymoons over at Weddington Way and thought I would share with all of you! We’re still deciding what we’re going to do for ours with a bit of a wrench in our original plans. Click image to see a larger versionThe Ultimate Guide to The HoneymoonThe Ultimate Guide To The Honeymoon via Weddington Way.

Are you going to have a honeymoon? If so, where?

Jenna Lou Custom Clutch Giveaway at Sweet Dreams are Made of These

Are you incorporating clutches into your big day? One for yourself, or maybe for your bridesmaids? I’d definitely love to but I’m not sure it is in my budget. So, that’s why I’m trying to win a custom clutch from Jenna Lou Designs over at Sweet Dreams are Made of These.  Check it out over there for your chance to win!

Jenna Lou Designs - Source: Website/FB Page

Jenna Lou Designs – Source: Website/FB Page

Which clutch would you choose if you won?

Would you buy your wedding dress online?

I’m considering doing just that. I just can’t imagine spending more than a couple hundred dollars on a dress so I’ve been keeping my eye out online. I’d be open to one that was pre-loved, even. The only thing is that I don’t know exactly how they will look on me so that makes me a little nervous. After a bad experience with bridesmaid dress sizing a couple of months ago, I get nervous!

But, I am falling in love with this beauty from Simply Bridal... thoughts? Remember, I’m having a destination beach wedding!


Felicia Gown – Simply Bridal


Would you order your dress online? Have you? I’d love to hear about your experiences:


Shutterfly Free Photo Guest Book for Engaged Brides to Be!

I found this great freebie for engaged brides over at Style Me Pretty, (by the way, one of my must read bride inspiration blogs. Add that to your to read list, for sure!).

Shutterfly, from now until July 28th, is giving out a code for a free, customized guest book! Looks like it is a 8 X 11 hard copy book which is valued at least $40. It looks like a winner and I am definitely taking advantage of this giveaway… you should too!

Even if you already have your guest book idea planned you could make this into a cute engagement photo book gift for a family member. I’m thinking about passing it around at our “farewell brunch” the day most guests are leaving and asking them to share some memories of our wedding weekend & Jamaica. I’ll end up upgrading for about $5 to a different format, but I think it is still a great steal! Do you have an idea of how to use this?

Two of my favorite words are in the Shutterfly photo guestbook giveaway-- free & wedding!

Two of my favorite words are in the Shutterfly photo guestbook giveaway– free & wedding!

What kind of guest book did you have or are you planning to have?

What Makes Me A Motivated Bride?

In my first post, I wrote a little about why I started this blog. But, I neglected to tell you what exactly I am motivated about, or for, or what that really has to do with anything. Since you know, it’s the title of the blog and all that, I figured I should give you a quick run down.

Getting Healthy: I was diagnosed with diabetes at age 22. I’ve lost about 40+ pounds since then and am stable but am working on living a healthier life. While yes, I’d like to lose quite a bit more weight (maybe about 20 pounds to go) most of my goals are fitness related. I’m sure I’ll write about them here.

DIY Projects: Okay, lets be blunt here. I am cheap. I don’t know why, but I am. I love pretty things just as much of the next person and love shopping… but I hate spending money. That’s my biggest motivator for getting crafty. If I make it myself,

Giveaways: About a month ago I randomly entered a giveaway on another wedding blog. And, I won. I’m one of those people that always said I never won anything. Well, the past month I’ve been making a conserted effort to enter at least a few giveaways everyday and guess what… I’ve been winning! From gift cards, to things for my wedding, and things to give away as gifts… I’ve been a lucky girl. It’s been helping with my budget because I have trouble spending money on the pretty extras. But if I can win them… why not? It’s a useful hobby that has been paying off so far.

Really, getting married and having that date in front of me JANUARY 11, 2014 (ohhh my six months to go!) has really been a wake up call for me. It’s shaking me into action. So much to do, and it makes me want to be the best me possible. That’s why I’m the motivated bride. I might be cheap, but I’m not lazy. 🙂

How about you, have you won any giveaways or done any DIY projects lately?

Why I Can’t Pick My Wedding Colors

With endless inspiration on wedding blogs, pinterest, and even twitter, I am finding it nearly impossible to settle on my wedding colors. Practically every week I look at my Fiance and exclaim, I’ve finally picked them! I’ve got it all figured out–!! And then I proceed to show him some beautiful inspiration board I stumbled upon.

I’m not a very visual person and for some reason this one issue, colors, seems to worry me. Maybe because it impacts virtually every aspect of the wedding. I don’t understand how you’re supposed to get the exact shade of mint or yellow or whatever the case might be. Or are you even supposed to? Then, once you’ve actually committed to colors… how do you put them together? I’m probably thinking into this too much.

My current inspiration is from The Perfect Palette:

The Perfect Palette's beautiful inspiration board

The Perfect Palette’s beautiful inspiration board

I love the dusty aqua.. and I’d love to throw in pops of yellow. But then again, I love mint. Love, love, love mint… even a light sage works for me. Oh, and don’t forget blush… that’s the other color that keeps coming into my mix. How am I ever going to settle on the colors and then not to mention the shades? I wish someone would just pop out of no where and say DO THIS IT WILL LOOK  GOOD.

Can you be that someone? Suggestions anyone?


Me– an Obsessive Bride? No way.

I was never one to dream about my wedding day. In fact, that is one of the very reasons I decided to have a destination wedding… to avoid the stress and craziness. (Other important reason to note, I’m very cheap. I do not want to spend tons of money on this. I thought having a DW would be cheaper which may or may not end up being true. I’ll get back to you on that one.)

Surprisingly, now that I’m planning it’s like I can’t… stop… thinking about wedding planning. Even a year ago if you asked me if I’d attempting to write a wedding blog and be this far into planning, I’d think you were crazy.

But, there is something about planning your wedding that gets to you. I don’t know what it is. I’ve rolled my eyes at way too many weddings and maybe I was determined to make mine different. Whatever the reason, I’m here. I love weddings. And, I love planning mine. Even though the stress/money aspect is always tempting me back to the other side, somehow I’m pressing on. I’ve got to say I’m proud of myself for that!

Wedding Garters 101: One, Two, Seven, Zero, Sixty?

Even though I’m getting married on the beach at sunset, I do want to incorporate some traditional wedding elements into my big day. But, the garter is one that has baffled me for some time. They certainly look  pretty (and I’m all about pretty things!). I seriously can look at them for hours on Etsy. But, in the middle of one of those sessions today I started thinking… why do we even have these? How many am I supposed to order?

After a bit of research, I’ve compiled a very brief Wedding Garter 101:

  • Wedding Garter Set: 2 garters– one will be a keepsake and is typically more ornate and one will be for a garter toss. They usually come in super pretty, coordinating colors.  If you’re wearing two, make sure you position the garter you want tossed lower on your leg or else you might lose the wrong one.
  • One Garter: It’s fine to have one garter… especially if you’re not doing a garter toss. The other option is to make sure you’re okay with not getting the garter back. Or, be comfortable enough to ask for it back from whoever catches it!
  • History: I read some places that this goes all the way back to the Dark Ages and is one of our oldest wedding traditions. Since we are no longer physically escorted to our wedding beds by our friends & families (thank goodness!) it is sort of a carry over from that. If you’re interested in reading a much more extensive background, check it out here.

And what does all that mean to me? I’ll probably order one. Since I’m not doing a garter toss it’ll probably serve as another pretty item and maybe even will be my “something blue.”  What do you think of this pretty one from Something New Designs on Etsy?

Pretty Garter from SomethingNewDesigns on Etsy

So tell me, are you going to wear a garter (or 2) at your wedding? Will you do a garter toss?

Why Blog?

I’m a talker. I’ve always been talker. But something about planning my wedding makes me want to talk constantly.  

I’m a researcher. I like to look up every single detail about everything I possibly even consider doing. It’s not unheard of for me to research DIY Cake Topper options for 5 hours and then scrap the idea all together.

I’m a real bride. I enjoy saving money through deals, diy, giveaways. (Yes, I’m on a budget. Who isn’t these days?)

So, I might as well share with all of you what I come up with through this journey. Too bad we only get married once… while it is stressful and exhausting to plan it is almost intoxicatingly addicting. (I don’t think intoxicatingly is a word but it is the only thing that seems appropriate so it will stay!)

Join me as we go along for this ride?